Making your dream come true is part of our

Primary residence, secondary residence, rental investment, credit balance, tax exemption… You need to negociate a real estate bank loan in Luxembourg, the Greater Region or even further away… ? Our advisers are here to accompany you

Albalux Crédit is a pionneer company on mortgage brokerage in Luxembourg Our mission is to provide you with personalised and tailored offers.

Albalux was created in 2009 with a client-oriented approach, which made us add the word « crédit » as we wanted to specialise in mortgages.

Mortgages being the implementation of a life project we wanted to specialise in the materialisation of dreams, your dream…

Albalux Crédit will be there to help you with your future investment offering a complete service.

We will be by your side all along your project, from the definition of your needs to the arrival of the funds.

• Our objective is to simplify the banking terminology and guide you through the technical elements of your bank loan: simulations (different from several banks), collaterals, insurances, total costs,…

• The goal is to obtain the best financial conditions possible for your mortgage loan: rates, insurances and collaterals.

We will do our best to find the best financial solution to allow you to become a property owner.

Thanks to our partnerships with several banks and financial institutions we can offer the best rates and collaterals.


Our experts take every project at heart and their only goal is to provide you with the best offers.
During the entire process we organize meetings in our office or at your place.
The technical terminology of the banking sector isn't always easy to understand when you are not in the field, our experts will explain it to you in a simple way and will clarify your questions.
Customer satisfaction
Our mission is to make your dream come true. Client satisfaction is our mission.
Our team will explain each step and will provide you with advices tailored to your needs and to give you guarantees.

Our brokers are here to advise you

Our team of experts is at your disposal (from North to South of the country) without you having to leave your house, namely thanks to our website you can also make an online request.
If you prefer a meeting in our office, we will welcome you even during non-office hours. Our flexibility will bring you all the comfort to make your property project happen. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
Alba Lux SA provides you with a list of the credit and payment establishments it works with as well as its payment conditions* (see pre-contractual information sheet and general terms and conditions):
50, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-2951 Luxembourg
ING Luxembourg
26, place de la Gare, L-1616 Luxembourg
BANQUE Populaire
5, rue des Mérovingiens, L-8070 Bertrange
Wüstenrot Bausparkasse
33, parc d’Activité Syrdall, L-5365 Münsbach
BHW Bausparkasse
16, rue Erasme, L-2015 Luxembourg
BIL - Banque Internationale à Luxembourg
69, route d’Esch L-2953, Luxembourg

Contact us

For more information or to make an appointment, don’t hesitate to contact us.